# 218 - Finally Available - a Testimony Strengthening Book of 'Golden Nuggets' From George Q. Cannon's 50 Year Journal!

This large and expansive work is a must read volume for "LDS" Church members and fundamentalist leaning Saints as well.  There are many who are perplexed with all the varied "winds of doctrine" online these days.  Many confused minds, perhaps from a lack of correct information, are even toying with the disastrous decision to leave the Restoration and settle for merely the "half a loaf" of Protestantism.  

As much as I enjoy many of the able and studious sermons of our charismatic friends, however, the heaven-revealed light-filled contributions of the Prophet Joseph Smith are beyond comparison to just the reasoning of those who only derive their views by studying the Bible.  All of fractionated christendom claim to base their versions of the truth on the Bible but many of us realize that all the multitude of interpretations can't be totally accurate. There are serious errors in some of their foundational premises allowing  delusive spirits in a virus-like manner to attach to their seemingly correct explanations.

Finally, we now have one of the most comprehensive and insightful views of our Savior's Full Gospel Plan ever written - through the life and teachings of one of the three most powerful modern Apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ to date.  If you are needing a testimony boost in the Gospel restored through the instrumentality of the Prophet Joseph Smith - and perhaps have many nagging questions that you can't get satisfactorily answered, may I recommend the life and teachings of Apostle George Q. Cannon.  His gifted writings will very likely help you immensely - if you will but spend the time and energy to tap into this amazing source spanning more than a half century! 

Thank God, and the very able historians, who have given us President Cannon's complete - more than 50 year journal.  It is now published for all the world to read, study and greatly benefit from.  However, who will take the time and exert sufficient energy to wade through over 5000 pages to glean out the pure golden nuggets for easy digestion?  

This modest effort, a mere 777 page collection from the Journal of George Q. Cannon - Exceptional Extracts - also includes 7 doctrinal essays from a largely lost point of view that has not been widely understood in LDS circles during the last 100 years.  This doctrinal and historical collection of juicy quotes is guaranteed to greatly increase your Gospel IQ and to strengthen your testimony of the Fullness of the Restored Gospel of our Lord!


For you truth seekers and fellow students of the Restored Gospel who are interested in finding out more about this volume, go to the link above after pondering and praying to our Father in Heaven if this might not be a powerful testimony builder for you.